by the sword
my dearest, haiku...
wherefore art thou; to assail
thy sonnet's bluster?
frozen haiku
this barren wasteland,
warehouse of your emotions
colder than your soul.
amid the sonnets
I saw haiku in her eyes...
flecks in the iris
her ghost visits me
unaware that she has passed...
"Jen, we need to talk."
without another
the tender soul is a tree
whose fall no one heard
preemptive haiku
writing this haiku
will not prevent terrorists
from writing their own
tray haiku
God passed out lifetimes,
and He admonished the souls:
"Take two. They are small."
cathartic haiku (a template)
(s)he is so evil
while I am so pure at heart
oh, the injustice...!
cephalopod haiku
women are like squid
expelling a cloud of ink
covering escape
paper haiku
As the wind whispers:
"This author seems unable
to describe a tree."
lesbian pelvis
cloistered behind blue denim
prolonged haiku
another stalemate
as she advanced her queen's rook
"I'm not done," she said.
eyes freezing over
snowflakes adorning her lips
dust, on soon to be... goaded the spiteful looking glass: seers, behold thy dubious fruits!
withered vines strangled
a host of fragrant blossoms
hindering passage
squibs (and nibs)
anti-love letters
seeping into paper cuts
I feel a bit strange
writing poems about your wife
and her firm buttocks
uninspired haiku
appeals to the muse
conjure no epiphanies,
leaving my page blank.
these words did not sell
so I gave up on writing
and started to paint
Ingmar Bergman's Death...
(no, I mean the character)
wary of the knight.
in a secret place
loneliness can do strange things
I'm afraid of you
digression haiku
Meandering, I
appreciate the one who
follows this river.
and her sense thereof
"I love you, darling."
then she laughed, "I'm just kidding."
yeah... that was funny
characters (with spaces)
File, Save As... "haiku"
Save as type: Word Document
(asterisk dot "doc")
"Well, this is certainly inane, but it could have been a lot worse. I mean, given the title. But, yes... The irony is unmistakable. I mean, to use a product like Word to compose haiku... It's like using a pneumatic socket gun to adjust your eyeglasses, or a fire hose to artificially inseminate a gnat. So, when readers come away with the understanding that Bill Gates is an irritating gnat... Well, who can say that's not beautiful?" ~L. Mösknvorr (noted haiku analyst)
corporeal haiku
typical woman:
she has no mind to offer
only a body
feline agenda
temple cat stretches
sniffs at the burning incense
returns to cat dreams
my hatred of her
burns stronger than did our love
and endures longer
delay haiku
live another day.
not today, nor tomorrow...
but some other day.
desolation haiku
a lifetime of thirst
though my cup runneth over
eternity's tears
critical haiku
redefining words
you poets are all alike
eroding the soul
Exhibition: Abstract Variations on Haiku
I. boxed haiku
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
II. legend haiku
If we use asterisks to represent syllables, our haiku might look like this...
* * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * *
III. fine print haiku
This poem has a cash value of 1/100 of one cent and may not be redeemed in conjunction with any other haiku, tanka, sonnet, or similar construct as defined under Article 317.B (IV-XIV) of the Literary Code. Any other use may constitute fraud. Void in Iceland, except in regions of the Gnuundärd providence as specified by Amendment 53 of the Mösknvorr Haiku Act of 1983. Clean using a mild nitric acid solution, and place in a bucket of coarse gravel when not in use.
IV. $575
$ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $
new haiku
this haiku is new
(it had never been written
until this moment)
with this poem adrift,
our love letters canonized...
tears you'll never know
dwelling tanka
dare I imagine
what might reside in her heart,
or best I forget
the vacancy in my own
condemned vestige of passion
snow falls
from a gray sky
I watch
I feel ashamed
wanting something
I don't deserve
revenge of the interplasm
to read a poem
(like this)
and not be changed
in times of snow
I remember the cold
dust on her lips